Our View of Sustainable Forestry
The Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association believes that forest practices should mimic natural processes in the native Acadian Forest, which covers most of mainland Nova Scotia and parts of Cape Breton. This forest evolved over 12,000 years under a specific set of climatic, biological, and geological conditions. Adaptation and natural selection produced a forest that is very productive and extremely resilient.
Resource exploitation in the past 400 years, however, has dramatically changed our forested landscapes. Management regimes have moved to shorter rotations and ever-higher levels of fibre utilization. Forest stability and health have declined. Expensive silvicultural interventions are being used to offset declines in natural productivity. Ecosystem alteration and simplification compound the issue through ever-greater disruption of the webs of life which give the forest its vitality.
Therefore, we believe that uneven-aged management should be mandated on the Crown lands of the province (because they should serve as models), and should be vigorously promoted on small private woodlots (because they are usually the most accessible and have the highest potential for productivity). Industrial landholdings subject to economic constraints should be managed, if not truly as uneven-aged, on long rotations with allowance for adequate retention of biomass in the ecosystem (including coarse woody debris, abundant legacy trees, wide riparian strips and wildlife corridors, and appropriate clumps).
The prescription given above is intended to be very general. Within the concept of maintaining ecological integrity, a wide range of activities are possible, and indeed necessary, given the vast array of forest conditions found throughout the province.
NSWOOA supports the right of landowners to make decisions regarding the management and use of their land. However, we also emphasize the responsibilities that accompany private ownership of land resources. The association believes that compromising ecological integrity for short-term financial gains will inevitably have a negative impact on forest use by our children and grandchildren.
On Aug. 31, 2018, NSWOOA joined with 11 other organizations to support the recommendations in William Lahey's "Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia." You can read a copy of the letter by clicking here.
NSWOOA is committed to being your best source for information about sustainable forestry. If you have questions about your woodlands, call us toll-free at 1-855-NS-WOODS (1-855-679-6637), email us at [email protected], or visit the Resources section of this website.
The Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association believes that forest practices should mimic natural processes in the native Acadian Forest, which covers most of mainland Nova Scotia and parts of Cape Breton. This forest evolved over 12,000 years under a specific set of climatic, biological, and geological conditions. Adaptation and natural selection produced a forest that is very productive and extremely resilient.
Resource exploitation in the past 400 years, however, has dramatically changed our forested landscapes. Management regimes have moved to shorter rotations and ever-higher levels of fibre utilization. Forest stability and health have declined. Expensive silvicultural interventions are being used to offset declines in natural productivity. Ecosystem alteration and simplification compound the issue through ever-greater disruption of the webs of life which give the forest its vitality.
Therefore, we believe that uneven-aged management should be mandated on the Crown lands of the province (because they should serve as models), and should be vigorously promoted on small private woodlots (because they are usually the most accessible and have the highest potential for productivity). Industrial landholdings subject to economic constraints should be managed, if not truly as uneven-aged, on long rotations with allowance for adequate retention of biomass in the ecosystem (including coarse woody debris, abundant legacy trees, wide riparian strips and wildlife corridors, and appropriate clumps).
The prescription given above is intended to be very general. Within the concept of maintaining ecological integrity, a wide range of activities are possible, and indeed necessary, given the vast array of forest conditions found throughout the province.
NSWOOA supports the right of landowners to make decisions regarding the management and use of their land. However, we also emphasize the responsibilities that accompany private ownership of land resources. The association believes that compromising ecological integrity for short-term financial gains will inevitably have a negative impact on forest use by our children and grandchildren.
On Aug. 31, 2018, NSWOOA joined with 11 other organizations to support the recommendations in William Lahey's "Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia." You can read a copy of the letter by clicking here.
NSWOOA is committed to being your best source for information about sustainable forestry. If you have questions about your woodlands, call us toll-free at 1-855-NS-WOODS (1-855-679-6637), email us at [email protected], or visit the Resources section of this website.
Your First Step
Being clear about why you own woodland is the first step in being a good steward. To help you set your priorities and identify the resources you need to succeed, NSWOOA has created a unique goals assessment tool for small-woodland owners. It's simple, fun and free. Click here to learn more.
Being clear about why you own woodland is the first step in being a good steward. To help you set your priorities and identify the resources you need to succeed, NSWOOA has created a unique goals assessment tool for small-woodland owners. It's simple, fun and free. Click here to learn more.