Insects, Diseases & Invasives
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, “Forest Insects and Diseases.” Forest insects and diseases can severely affect our use of forest resources. Learn about some of the more common pests here. The Forest Health section within the Forest Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources, offers technical advice and management options to forest owners who are attempting to deal with pest problems. Additional insects and diseases are described here.
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, "A Field Guide to Pests of the Acadian Forest."
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, "Common Forest Pests."
New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, "Summary of Forest Pest Conditions in New Brunswick in 2011 and Outlook for 2012."
Government of Canada, "Hemlock Woolly Adelgid," "Emerald Ash Borer," and "Spruce Budworm."
Nova Scotia Hemlock Initiative, "A Landowner's Introduction to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid."
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Working Group
Invasive Species Centre, "Beech Bark Disease."
Nova Scotia Invasive Species Council, "Invasive Species in Nova Scotia."
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners, "10 Q&As About Emerald Ash Borer."