Forest Roads and Trails
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, "A Quick Guide to Woodlot Roads" and "Module 11: Roads and Trails- Planning it Right from the Start."
Maine Forest Service, "Proper Sizing of Land Management Road Stream Crossings."
US Department of Agriculture, "A Landowner’s Guide to Building Forest Access Roads."
NC State University- Cooperative Extension, "Recreational Forest Trails: Plan For Success."
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, "Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook."
Otter Ponds Demonstration Forest, Water Crossing Construction Video.
FPInnovations and Ducks Unlimited Canada, "Resource Roads and Wetlands: A Guide for Planning, Construction and Maintenance".
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, "How to Keep Beavers from Plugging Culverts".
Oregon State University, "Forest Road Contracting, Construction, and Maintenance for Small Forest Woodland Owners."