Carbon Offsetting
Community Forests International, "Carbon in Forests" and "Five Ways to Prepare for Carbon Offsets Markets."
Ecotrust, "A Landowner's Guide to Forest Carbon Offsets, Credits & Incentives."
Credit Valley Conservation, "Carbon Storage in Forests within the Credit River Watershed."
Canadian Parks Council, “Carbon Sequestration in Protected Areas of Canada: An Economic Valuation.”
Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, “A Framework for Forest Management Offset Protocols.”
Community Forests International, “Forest Carbon Offsets."
Prest, Dale, "Carbon Pricing: What the Best System is for Woodlot Owners and How You Can Make it Happen."
Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, “Carbon Sequestration in British Columbia’s Forests and Management Options.”
Nature Conservancy of Canada, Darkwoods Forest Carbon Project.
CarbonZero, Kapuskasing, ON - Forestry Project.
Great Bear Rainforest Carbon Offset Project, "Great Bear Forest Carbon Project" and "Great Bear Forest to Be Massive Carbon Offset Project.
Forrex Forum for Research and Extension in Natural Resources and the B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range Forest Investment Account–Forest Science Program, “Carbon Management in British Columbia’s Forests: Opportunities and Challenges.”
David Suzuki Foundation et al., “Managing BC’s Forests for a Cooler Planet: Carbon Storage, Sustainable Jobs and Conservation.”
Eastern Ontario Model Forest, "Carbon Offsets and Carbon Credits."
Dovetail Partners Inc. (Bowyer et al.), “Managing Forests for Carbon Mitigation.”
Catanzaro, Paul & D'Amato, Anthony, "Forest Carbon: An Essential Natural Solution for Climate Change."
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners, "Managing a Maine Woodland to Maximize Carbon Sequestration."
Malmsheimer et al., “Forest Management Solutions for Mitigating Climate Change in the United States.”
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, “Trees: The Carbon Storage Experts.”
Pew Centre on Global Climate Change, “The Cost of U.S. Forest-Based Carbon Sequestration.”
USDA- Forest Service, “Forests and Carbon Storage.”
Portland Press Herald, “Landowners Cash in on Timber They Don’t Cut.”
Forests for Maine’s Future, “Carbon Offsets: A New Forest ‘Product’?”
US Congressional Research Service, “Carbon Sequestration in Forests.”
Larsson, T-B. et al., “The Role of Forests in Carbon Cycles, Sequestration, and Storage.”
Non-Timber Forest Products
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, "Module 13: Non-Timber Forest Products", "Non-Timber Forest Products: Growing Opportunities," "Resources Available For Christmas Tree Growers," "History of the Nova Scotia Xmas Tree Industry," "Christmas Trees and Forest Health" and "Mushrooms & Other Fungi."
Nova Forest Alliance, "Non-Timber Forest Products: Challenges and Opportunities."
Canadian Model Forest Network, "From East to West: Key Lessons for Non-Timber Forest Product Development in Canada’s Model Forests" and "The International Model Forest Network Recipe Book."
Natural Resources Canada, "Non-Timber Forest Products."
Nova Scotia Mycological Society
Northern Bushcraft, "Wild Edible Mushrooms of Nova Scotia."
Acadian Maple Products, "All About Maple Syrup."
Ontario Woodlot Association, "Agroforestry extension notes (various topics)."
The Salt, "Sap Discovery Could Turn Syrup-Making Upside Down."
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations- Forestry Department, "Non-Wood Forest Products from Conifers."
D Acres of New Hampshire Organic Farm & Educational Homestead, “A Guide to Outdoor Mushroom Log Cultivation.”
NC Cooperative Extension Service, “Producing Shiitake Mushrooms: A Guide for Small-Scale Outdoor Cultivation on Logs.”
University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, “Truffles & Other Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms.”
Mycosource Inc., “Shiitake Log Management.”